"For our Final, we have done a couple of things. One: we have recreated the art gallery scene from "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" complete with original soundtracking! We have each added a blurb to what art is to us individually. We hope you enjoy!"
Amanda: "Art is life. Art is squiggles on a piece of paper from your god-daughter and lions made from cardboard and popsicle sticks. Art is live theater and quiet movies. Art is bold sculptures and soft stained glass windows."
Ashley: "Art is such a large part of our everyday lives, we hardly even stop to think about it. Look at the desk or table where you are, right this minute. Someone designed that. It is art. Your shoes are art. Your coffee cup is art. All functional design, well done, is art. So, you could say art is something that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing to our eyes."
Jenny: "Art can be defined in many ways. To me, art is determined by individuality. It is a form of expression that one uses to convey a message. Art is not just paintings hanging in a museum, it is a variety of final products that an artist, painter or sculptor has designed. There are so many different types of art but when one narrows it down it all begins with creativity from within and ends as a piece of art. Folk Art is my favorite art for several reasons. It is a “self-taught” art, it is the most common among the working class and it is very creative. This past weekend I enjoyed myself at a Bluegrass Festival. There were several folk artists there. I have attached a few for you to view."
Jeremy: “Art is a sophisticated outwardly expression that uses the brain power opposite of that of the natural thinking and reasoning side. Art is a captured piece of thought from this side of the brain and is made visible to others.”
Shannon: "This is all art because it brings nature to life in a big way, and Is a great way to express yourself. Yay!"
Beth: "Art is anything and everything that expresses anyone’s thoughts, feelings, emotions, or positions on a certain topic. Art can be anything the imagination can come up with. Art is not just a drawing or a painting; it’s someone’s creativity put on any kind of canvas."
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